Category Archives: Guns

Carry On

Encouraging news from Illinois. Here.

Firearms Dysmorphia Syndrome

Making the rounds today: gun homicides are way down in recent years, but a majority of Americans think they are more frequent than ever. I wonder why that could be?

Battle Won. War Continues.

Charles C.W. Cooke, who has been covering the gun-control controversy for National Review, gives us a recap of the NRA convention in Houston. I’m becoming rather a fan of young Mr. Cooke, who writes well and thinks clearly. He had this to say about the enormous groundswell of public resistance to further restrictions on gun […]


Yesterday I wrote that gun-control advocates had lost in a “clean sweep” of Senate votes. That’s not quite true. One of the defeated proposals was a requirement that all states reciprocally honor concealed-carry permits. In a rare moment of agreement with Chuck Schumer, I think it’s good that this idea was voted down. It’s anti-federalist, […]

Emotional Pornography

Today we have an excellent piece by Charles C.W. Cooke on the abrogation, by gun-control partisans, of rational deliberation in favor of shameless appeals to emotion. (Mind you, the abrogation itself is very much the product of rational calculation; the politicians and pundits doing this are clearly aware that such vile mawkishness can be a […]

Idiots, Cont’d

Charles Cooke, who is a very sensible fellow for one so young, comments at length on Albany’s stupid, histrionic, opportunistic, and authoritarian reaction to Newtown.

Not Much, But We’ll Take It

Today’s good news: it looks like Dianne Feinstein’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” is dying on the vine.

Guns: Reality vs. Fantasy

Here’s an outstandingly clear and well-informed article addressing the commonest of the Left’s positions on gun-control. It’s long, but well worth your time.

Gun Control Does Nothing To Reduce Gun Violence

With a hat tip to Bill Vallicella, we urge you to read an excellent article at The Jurist, by criminologist Don Kates, on the lack of empirical evidence for the Left’s position on gun bans. The article includes links to public recantations by many former gun-ban advocates, including a 1995 paper by noted criminologist Marvin […]

Disarmed Forces

Reader JK sends along a provocative item from ABC News. The gist: the soldiers who were shot at Fort Hood by the jihadist infiltrator Nidal Hasan have been denied various benefits, including the Purple Heart, because the Defense Department refuses to define the shooting as an attack by an enemy combatant — preferring instead to […]

Talking Sense About Semiautomatics

Champion sharpshooter Jessie Duff demonstrates a variety of semiautomatic firearms for Sean Hannity, making clear once again that the hysterical focus on so-called “assault rifles” is ignorant idiocy. (Look, for example, at the damage done by that 12-gauge.) As with all semiautomatics: one round per trigger pull.

Clarity vs. Claptrap

Here’s an informative slideshow about so-called “assault weapons”.

Target-Rich Environment

I haven’t posted anything for a while about the Left’s latest spasm of gun-control hysteria, so let’s catch up a bit with some miscellaneous items. By far the loudest of the torch-and-pitchfork mob has been the swinish, unapologetically ignorant prig Piers Morgan, whose idea of a “debate” has been to insult and shout down his […]


America’s ideological landscape is like the continent itself: transected by deep fault-lines at the irregular boundaries of rigid plates. Though crushed tightly together, these great masses seek to move in different directions, and so they strain relentlessly against one another. The pressure builds, and builds — until, sooner or later, it must release itself in […]

Down The Rabbit Hole

Consistent, at least. Here.

Yes, A Bulwark Against Tyranny

Reader ‘Up2L8’ has added an excellent comment to the end of our “Hell On Earth” thread, in which he lists the various drafts of the Second Amendment that preceded its ratification.

Suzanna Hupp Joins The “Conversation”

I almost added this to the previous post, but it deserves a post of its own.

Do Something!

When America’s leftward “progress” encounters friction nowadays, we are told to have a national “conversation”. What is meant by the word “conversation” in this sense is something like: “the conservative opposition will now listen quietly and attentively, whilst enlightened liberals lead them through a long-overdue course of reeducation and rehabilitation. They may then speak, so […]