Category Archives: Politics

Not Much, But We’ll Take It

Today’s good news: it looks like Dianne Feinstein’s ban on so-called “assault weapons” is dying on the vine.

Pretty Sharp!

I guess we’re all feeling pretty low, now that the Sequester has gone into effect. I haven’t been paying much attention to the news since Friday (been busy arranging the canned goods down in the shelter), but if the predictions I’d been hearing have turned out to be correct, the entire nation is now unemployed, […]

Not So Fast

Back in January the New York State legislature rammed through a major gun-control bill, in the middle of the night, as a hysterical reaction to the Newtown shootings. The legislators were given just a few minutes to read the bill before a vote was called, in violation of a law that imposes a three-day review […]

Suppose You Were An Idiot

Here’s Maxine Waters, who is a walking one-woman argument for limiting the power of the Federal government, “explaining” sequestration. Apparently, more jobs will be lost — 170 million — than currently exist. As Charles Cooke said on Twitter just now, “I wouldn’t trust this woman to explain how a fork works.”

Be Very Afraid

If a picture is worth a thousand words, here’s a festschrift on Federal spending, from the Heritage Foundation. Browse. And just for some perspective about the calamitous effects of the impending “sequestration” — upon which event, we are told, the sun will be folded up, the heavens flayed, the pregnant she-camels neglected, and Hell set […]

State Of The Union: Great, But Undergoverned

I haven’t got a whole lot to say about the speech. What did anyone expect? There isn’t a problem anywhere on Earth that isn’t best solved by some new Federal program, “partnership”, or “investment”. And all without adding a “single dime” to the deficit. There was the call for higher Federal minimum wage, the argument […]

Battery, Parked

Attentive readers may recall that a few years ago we U.S. taxpayers lent $465 million to Tesla, a maker of electric cars. More recently we restructured the loan so that Tesla wouldn’t run out of money. (It is now, after all, a matter of vital national interest that Elon Musk’s entrepreneurial speculations actually pay off.) […]

Lèse Majesté

In case you haven’t heard, the chattering classes are all atwitter about a talk given at the recent National Prayer Breakfast by one Ben Carson, chief of pediatric neurosurgery at John Hopkins. At the podium, standing just a few feet away from President Obama, Dr. Carson spoke about several matters of national policy — in […]


Remember those “recess appointments” to the National Labor Relations Board that President Obama went ahead and made last January, when the Senate wasn’t in recess? The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia today ruled them unconstitutional. The Obama administration seems inclined to ignore the ruling, with Jay Carney today declaring that […]

Cards On The Table

Yuval Levin has written an excellent, and even-tempered, response to yesterday’s unapologetically collectivist speech by the President. Levin seizes on what I also thought was a key point, namely that Mr. Obama remains frankly and resolutely committed to the hollowing out of the essential layers of civil society that stand between the individual citizen and […]

Cap And Tirade

Speaking of yesterday’s inauguration, some of you might not have seen the hat that Justice Antonin Scalia wore. More here.

Tread Carefully

Seizing its chance, New York’s legislature has now, in a breathless rush of immoderate and ill-considered haste, passed one of the nation’s strictest gun laws. Similar measures are soon to be attempted at a national level. Those in power should be mindful, just now, not to push too hard, too fast; there is a tremendous […]

A Cautionary Tale

California, not so long ago the flagship of the American federation, has been going under for quite a while now: overfreighted with lavish entitlements, embarnacled with suffocating regulation, and holed below the waterline by demographic disintegration. Because attacking the root of the problem by reducing the expansion of government is for deep-blue California an ideological […]

Change We Can Believe In

In this brief item, Jim Pethokoukis weighs the various options for dealing with the looming debt-ceiling battle. Among them, in case you haven’t heard: trillion-dollar platinum coins.

Morbid Obesity

One of our foremost gloominaries is Patrick Buchanan. Today, in a ringingly despondent essay, he looks at the past and the future of the Republican Party, and considers its prospects in light of the inexorable trend, in all democracies, toward relentless government expansion and ultimate exhaustion. His concluding remarks: If we would see our future, […]


This is amazing. From XKCD cartoonist Randall Munroe.


With a hat tip to our friend Jeffery Hodges, here’s an excellent survey of the moribund and incoherent state of American conservatism. It is not a cheery picture.


“Liberty and democracy are eternal enemies, and every one knows it who has ever given any sober reflection to the matter. A democratic state may profess to venerate the name, and even pass laws making it officially sacred, but it simply cannot tolerate the thing.” – H.L. Mencken, the Baltimore Evening Sun (13 April 1925) […]

Fat Cat

In an item that’s been making the rounds since its publication a few days ago, Mark Steyn examines the modest lifestyle of America’s populist champion. Here.


From an article entitled When Work Is Punished: The Tragedy Of America’s Welfare State: We realize that this is a painful topic in a country in which the issue of welfare benefits, and cutting (or not) the spending side of the fiscal cliff, have become the two most sensitive social topics. Alas, none of that […]


My, what a lot of advice folks on the Left are giving the GOP all of a sudden! They seem truly concerned. It’s all very touching. Meanwhile, I’m encouraged by how eager so many on the Right seem to be to shape-shift into something more marketable to the tiny voting bloc they imagine they might […]

Down. Out?

Peter Kirsanow posted this at the Corner today: Now that president Obama has been given more “flexibility,’ conservatives need to pause, recharge, assess, recalibrate. Then fight. Conservatives can’t be in denial. The country may very well be at a tipping point. Yes, millions fewer voted for Obama than in 2008, but it’s astonishing and disconcerting […]

This Is It

Shortly after taking office in 2009, the newly minted President Barack Obama, speaking of his plan to re-energize America’s economy, told Matt Lauer: “If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.’ OK, folks! Today’s the day. Let’s get out there and assert the proposition.

Chomsky, Prediction, and Polls

An interesting item from Dan Foster. Here.

Comfy? Not If We Can Help It

I’ve been almost completely disconnected from the Internet for the past couple of days (I traveled back yesterday to storm-ravaged New York City, where I’m staying with friends, as our house here is still uninhabitable due to a construction project). So for tonight, just an item from the mailbag. The latest edition of Jonah Goldberg’s […]

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes

Here’s a video that’s making the rounds, from Steven Crowder (the fellow who gave us that Lena Dunham parody a few days ago). In this one Mr. Crowder “redistributes” Hallowe’en candy to reduce inequality. Needless to say, the kids he’s taking the candy from don’t like it. It’s a funny video, sort of, and yes, […]

The Council Of One

With a hat tip to Bill Keezer, here’s a look at the Obama administration’s increasingly routine use of kill lists and drone strikes to prosecute foreign policy. I excerpt two notable quotes from this post. The first is by its author: Benghazi illustrates the problem of the President having the authority for everything and the […]

Methinks They’re Going To Need A Bigger Rug

Here’s a story that’s making the rounds today. I have no way of assessing its veracity.

Movie Night

By now you’ve probably seen the Obama campaign’s video featuring Girls star Lena Dunham. It’s a pitch to female first-time voters, and the conceit of the video is to liken a girl’s first voting experience to her first sexual experience. “Your first time shouldn’t be with just anybody,” the tattooed Ms. Dunham explains. “You want […]

The Apology Tour

Mitt Romney drew scorn from Obama supporters, and warm approval from the rest of us, when he referred to Barack Obama’s “apology tour” during Monday’s debate. Obama apologizing for America? Never happened, says the Left. (Indeed, they even said it here.) Pah! Mere pettifogging and hairsplitting. Blogger Jeryl Bier explains, deftly and succinctly, here.

All Done!

Well, there you have it, America. We don’t have to watch any more debates until the next presidential campaign gets underway, which won’t be for several months yet. Romney held his own well enough, and landed a few good blows (best of all: the apology tour). He looked steady and calm, and plausibly Presidential. That […]

Final Round

Readers, today we have come to the last debate of this historic election cycle. The stakes couldn’t be higher: upon this election hinges the very survival of this great Republic, and the security of our children, and our children’s children. So here’s tonight’s drinking game.

Losing Our Lease!

Just got this in the mail from the Obama campaign:  

Strengthen That Brand !!!

With just over two weeks to go until the election, I know many of you are still in the critical “undecided” column. If so, then perhaps this rousing exhortation, sent to me this morning by African Americans for Obama, will help you make up your mind: The American people and President Obama know how to […]


Want more of this? It’s up to you. Sixteen days and counting.

Galluping To The Finish

Mitt Romney’s “steady erosion in the polls” continues: as of this afternoon’s Gallup survey, Romney now leads fifty-two percent to forty-five percent among likely voters. Not that I put a lot of stock in polls, mind you — after all, only about nine percent of the people pollsters call actually respond. Nice to see this […]


Tim Carney brings the mallet down on a load of tendentious hogwash from Politico. Here.

Let’s Get Ready To Rumble!

Here we go again, folks. Tonight’s debate is now considered to be a must-win for the incumbent, thanks to what one of our commenters referred to not long ago as Mr. Romney’s “steady erosion in the polls”. So what’s tonight’s drinking game? Well, this time, readers, you get to take your pick. Sadly, I won’t […]

1000 Words

Possible debate strategy for Mr. Romney tonight: just stand there holding this chart.


For weeks now the Obama campaign has been offering a chance at dinner with The One to those who chip in a few bucks. (We commented here on one such solicitation.) That dinner has now taken place, it appears. I know this because Mr. Obama just tweeted a picture with the heading: Table for four: […]

Bump In The Road

From the Heritage Foundation, here’s a sharp video on the Obama administration’s deceitful, ass-covering response to the Benghazi attack. But hey, look  —  Big Bird!

Time Out

I haven’t said much about politics for the past few days; that’s because I haven’t had much to say. It’s been delightful to watch the discomfiture of  Mr. Obama’s media catchfarts as they’ve watched the momentum shifting sharply in Mr. Romney’s direction, though. A couple of things worth mentioning: First, Mr. Romney’s foreign-policy speech certainly […]

This Just In

We’ve been hearing for a couple of days now that Mitt Romney’s drubbing of President Obama in Wednesday’s debate may have been due to his having smuggled in a “cheat sheet”. Now we have confirmation:  we’ve just learned that the folks at have got their hands on a copy. Here it is.

The Teacher’s Was Probably Brown

Philly Student’s Romney T-shirt Likened To KKK Sheet  

That Was Fun

Well, well. If you’ve ever wanted empirical confirmation of the “Taranto Principle”, you got it tonight. When your every public appearance for the past four years has been a tongue-bath from fawning media groupies, this is what happens. Next up, the vice-presidential debate. Iowahawk: “Compared to that, this one was a nail-biter. Wear a raincoat.”

An Abbreviated List

Sorry all  —  still too overwhelmed with domestic logistics (and ongoing emergencies at work) to spend any personal time at the computer. The blog is gathering dust, and emails are piling up in the inbox. Things should be getting back to normal in another day or two, insh’Allah. Meanwhile, just to get you in the […]

The Hell-Bound Train

The latest Economic Freedom of the World Annual Report has the U.S. ranked eighteenth, down from second place in 200o. Well, home of the brave, still, maybe. We’ll see.

Made For Each Other

Speaking of world-class narcissists, no list would be complete without including  the exquisitely unlovable Madonna. (Sadly, I learned this first-hand; you will find my name on your copy of Like a Virgin, if you have one.) Ms. Ciccone has now enlivened the campaign season in her own special way. The Huffington Post reports: Madonna brought […]

How To Get Friends!

We never seem to run out of examples of the pathological narcissism of Barack Obama. Just when I decide to lay off for a few days, I get this in the mail:  *        *        * Malcolm — If you win this, you’re going to have a lot more friends […]

One Man’s Gaffe…

Mitt Romney’s campaign, in the, um, collective opinion of the “mainstream media”, suffered a major setback the other day. As you may perhaps have heard by now, Mr. Romney’s opponents unearthed a video clip in which the GOP candidate, speaking to a private audience (or so he thought), commented on the difficulty of winning the […]