Monthly Archives: June 2020

The Fellowship Of The Ring

It surprises me that anyone on the Right (or for that matter, anyone of middle years or older who grew up in the former United States, and feels that he or she has had a pretty good life) would have any hesitation at all about supporting Donald Trump — not only in the upcoming election, […]

Selective Outrage

We hear in the media, and from his political opponents, that Donald Trump considers himself to be “above the law”. Unsurprisingly, such accusations never seemed to be leveled at his predecessor. As this four-part list of two hundred examples shows, though, they might well have been.

Racist Thing #114

Mary Poppins.

Where The Moon Goes

My old pal Jimmy Haslip sent me a link to a new version of the old Weather Report song, as conceived by Zawinul protégé Scott Kinsey. The video features Jimmy on bass, Scott Kinsey on keys, the terrific Hungarian drummer Gergo Borlai, saxophonist Katisse Buckingham, and bassist/singer Naina Kundu on vocals. Here it is. Turn […]

Great Is Truth. May It Prevail.

Just in (I have bolded the key passage): The Department of Justice today filed a statement of interest in Idaho federal court defending Idaho’s Fairness in Women’s Sports Act against a challenge under the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause. “Allowing biological males to compete in all-female sports is fundamentally unfair to female athletes” said Attorney General […]

SCOTUS Does It Again

Another day, another calamity at the Supreme Court: John Roberts sides with the liberal wing to block the recission of DACA, remanding it to the Department of Homeland Security for another try. The argument in the majority opinion — and along with the dissenting Justices, I think it’s so thin as to be quite transparent […]

On BLM: In The Academy, Dissent Must Hide Its Face

With a hat-tip to my e-pal David Duff, here is an open letter written by a black professor at UC Berkeley urging us not to be taken in by the infantilizing Democrat race-hustle known as Black Lives Matter. The writer makes the essential points: that BLM promotes a malignant, paternalistic ideology that “strips black people […]

The Conversation We Aren’t Having

Here are two black voices that have very little chance of being heard above the din. Both are tenured professors at Ivy League universities: Glenn C. Loury of Brown, and John McWhorter of Columbia. (Given, by the way, that Brown University was founded on slave-trade wealth, and Columbia was named after noted unperson Christopher Columbus, […]

Et Tu, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Roberts?

It was a busy day yesterday at the Supreme Court — and from over here on the Right, a disappointing one as well. I haven’t read the opinions, so I should refrain from analysis, but the results — in particular, blows against freedom of association, the Second Amendment, and enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws […]

Matt Taibbi On The Death Of Journalism

I wrote a while back about the tidal forces straining the Left as it falls deeper into the gravity well surrounding an all-consuming singularity. In a sharp essay just published, Matt Taibbi looks at the disintegrating American press.

Let It Go

I’ve long supported subsidiarianism – the idea that government should be as local, and locally accountable, as possible. I’ve also been saying for years that the U.S. has become so large, and so diverse, as to be ungovernable by central authority. What’s worse, the power held by that central authority is so pathetically insecure that […]

Kandahar On The Puget

Well! As I write an ISIS-style warlord, a rapper named Raz Simone, has declared a portion of a major American city — Seattle, Washington — to be an autonomous region no longer part of the United States of America. He is enforcing his rule over the Capitol Hill neighborhood of that city in the usual […]

Repost: On Our New Religion

I’ve said for years that the missionary Progressivism now in control of every aspect of our civilization can only be properly understood as a religion. And just as the Great Awakenings of the 18th and 19th century were attended by great waves of repentance for our sins, and the fear of Hell, exactly so is […]

My Mind’s Made Up. Please Don’t Confuse Me With The Facts.

We hear a lot these days (possibly the understatement of the year) about bias; in particular “implicit bias”. In a recent article about racism, though, a young black writer mentions some other kinds of bias: First, our intuitions about whether trends have increased or decreased are shaped by what we can easily recall—news items, shocking […]

Rear-View Mirror

The late Yuri Bezmenov explains. (To bring this fully up to date, we would swap out “Marxism”.)

America, 2020

Repost: Death Of A Nation

I’m browsing my old posts, to see how much of our current state of affairs was visible in prospect years ago. Here’s a long excerpt from something I published back in 2012.     *   *   *   *   *   *   *   … Democracy works well enough for a while, I suppose, while a nation […]