Dum Spiro, Spero

And here we are: a closely contested election, which will now drag on for days or weeks and likely be resolved in the courts. (There appears to have been no shortage of electoral shenanigans and monkeyshines, exactly as we feared.)

This certainly isn’t what we’d hoped for: if President Trump prevails by superior lawyering, the media and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) will spend the next four years hounding him for having “stolen the election”. If, on the other hand, he cannot make his case, then we get the doddering and moribund mediocrity Biden for a brief interregnum before the miraculous ascension of Kamala Harris — a woman who was so massively unpopular during the primary campaign that she dropped out before any votes were even cast — to the Oval Office. The question of Mr. Biden’s obvious corruption will be broomed into oblivion by the incoming DOJ, sure to be headed by someone like Keith Ellison, and a compliant press. Likewise, whatever the current DOJ has in train regarding the disgusting Spygate scandal will be smothered and disposed of as swiftly, and permanently, as possible.

But it isn’t over yet. Say what you will about Donald Trump, he’s a fighter, and he’s a winner. Enough states are still in play to give him a chance, and he may still pull this thing off. As Churchill said in far darker times:

“You cannot tell from appearances how things will go. Sometimes imagination makes things out far worse than they are; yet without imagination not much can be done. Those people who are imaginative see many more dangers than perhaps exist; certainly many more than will happen; but then they must also pray to be given that extra courage to carry this far-reaching imagination. But for everyone, surely, what we have gone through in this period … this is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never-in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”

And let’s hope that, even if against all hope we lose the White House, we can at least hold the Senate. If not, there will only be the Court standing between what remains of the America of the first 232 years and the fever dreams of the Squad. It will not be pretty. But with the Senate still in our hands, we can still prevent a great deal of damage.

So: let’s keep our spirits up. Where there’s life, there’s hope.


  1. Dave says

    If the Dems get away with blatantly stealing this election, what’s to stop them stealing the next one? Or the next thirty? The USA either breaks up or becomes a one-party state like the Soviet Union.

    And if Trump prevails, it’s obvious that Democrats can never again be trusted to hold an honest election, so he’ll have no choice but to outlaw the party nation-wide.

    Our Republic was founded in 1776 and achieved some great things during its 244-year existence. But it’s dead now and we must figure out what’s going to replace it.

    Posted November 4, 2020 at 11:39 pm | Permalink
  2. Malcolm says


    I was dating from 1788, when the Constitution was ratified. But 1776 is fine too. (Just don’t give me that 1619 rubbish!)

    I agree that, win or lose, it’s hard to see how this thing survives. Three years ago I wrote:

    I’ve said for a while that politics in America are divided beyond all hope of healing, and that the civic and social cohesion that is absolutely essential for the central governance of such a vast and diverse nation is irreparably destroyed. It has seemed inevitable to me for at least five years that the United States, as presently constituted, will not exist very much longer.

    Clearly the nation is now shaking itself to pieces, and we really do need to address the question of what might replace it. A Trump victory only buys us a little time. The problem is that a neatly geographic separation isn’t possible here, and it’s hard to see how the two factions can pull apart cleanly. But I simply don’t see any realistic possibility of a return to national comity and unity; too much damage has already been done.

    Posted November 5, 2020 at 12:14 am | Permalink
  3. Karl says


    If you say that the nation is now clearly shaking itself to pieces, you assume that there was one nation in the territory of the USA last week.

    I think the nation was shattered to pieces long before that. A nation is people that share a common culture, belief, language, and ancestors. That was arguably the case in the USA 60 years ago, but is no longer the case. Now there are many nations in the USA, like there were in Yugoslavia.

    Do you think that anyone can become a member of a nation simply by a bureaucratic act of handing out a piece of paper?

    The nation was shattered long ago. It has been getting harder and harder to keep up the pretense that there is one nation inside the USA.

    I think we are seeing the transition from national rule to imperial rule. Empires are not ruled by votes or courts, but might keep the pretense for quite some time.

    The alternative to imperial rule is breakup like Yugoslavia.

    Posted November 5, 2020 at 4:19 am | Permalink
  4. Whitewall says

    Andrew Jackson faced a similar threat:

    Posted November 5, 2020 at 7:56 am | Permalink
  5. Dave says

    The Republic is dead. America will either be an Imperium ruled by Trump or a failed state ruled by local warlords.

    There might briefly be a President Harris who says to Antifa/BLM, “It’s OK guys, we won, you can stop rioting now.” They won’t even pause their rampage long enough to call her a sellout. To create a new Soviet Union the Democrats would need a Stalin, and I see no one so clever and ruthless in their ranks.

    Posted November 5, 2020 at 8:05 am | Permalink
  6. Jake says

    4 good articles





    Posted November 5, 2020 at 12:17 pm | Permalink
  7. Al says

    This is Color Revolution. The Left is all in. They will take it all the way. We must be prepared to take it all the way, as well. If they win this they win forever.

    Posted November 5, 2020 at 3:50 pm | Permalink
  8. Malcolm says

    Yes, Al, I agree.

    And I hope I didn’t come across as meekly accepting this attempted coup by saying “well, at least we get the Senate”.

    This thing must be fought to the bitter end.

    Posted November 5, 2020 at 4:03 pm | Permalink
  9. Malcolm says


    Anyone who has been reading this blog for any length of time knows that I have been writing about the coming-apart of America for long years now.

    Posted November 5, 2020 at 4:04 pm | Permalink
  10. Malcolm says


    Thanks for the links.

    Posted November 5, 2020 at 4:05 pm | Permalink
  11. vxxc says

    The Republic is not dead.
    Washington DC is compromised, probably fatally. The truth is they’ll take DC at the cost of losing the country, and they won’t hold DC.

    Let us examine the American political administration from a standpoint of structure, or architecture if you prefer.
    It’s a Federation, more accurately many Federations of smaller Federations adding up to 85K distinct governments.

    Short Version: The Republic of America, as opposed to merely the capitol* architecture is nearly identical to the Internet.
    The Internet is not ‘a network of networks’ it’s many tens of thousands of networks grouped into Federations with top level regional and national organizations like .com, .gov, .ru, .fr [commericial, government, russia, france, etc].

    [The reason being the Internet arose and evolved in America of course].

    capitol*- only the capitol of the top level of our Federation, aka Federalist system.
    Not the nation. This isn’t a centralized government – by design and in adamantine reality.

    The American Republic does not exist only in Washington, DC. It is duplicated at smaller and local scale at every level from the National Capitol down to the lowest town.
    Also duplicated is above all legitimacy, after that the 3 branches of government [Executive, Legislative, Judicial] and all possess not only legitimacy but intrinsic force. Every State has it’s own Army National Guard and usually Air National Guard. The Army National Guard possesses 40% or more of the combat arms strength of the Army overall. The Air National Guard most of it’s Lift/Logistics but plenty of fighters as well. The National Guard answers by Law to State Governments and their Commander [unless Federalized] is the Governor.

    Each State possesses their own Constitution which all guardsmen, policemen and indeed every official and politician swear to, after they swear to the Federal Constitution.

    Nearly every county and parish [LA] has it’s own Sheriff, usually elected.

    Most Towns and villages have their own Law Enforcement.

    There are 20,000 separate law enforcement agencies that report to the FBI for VICAP [some don’t].

    There are at least 30,000 incorporated municipalities in the USA.

    There are in all 85,000 discrete political entities in the United States of America.

    So the Republic you say is dead …for that to happen each and every level of the United States of America would have to be defeated by utter reduction, flip sides, or submit.

    There are further at least 14 million veterans capable of combat or service who’s oath to the Constitution is for Life. [I’m one].

    There are several million more veterans that can teach and organize, even if their too old to run round like us youngsters.

    [ahem, I feel young, can still run. Age is not officially young].

    There are some tens of millions of Americans possessing 400 million weapons and tens of trillions of rounds of ammunition.

    There are also [thank you Al !] apparently tens of thousands of vehicle drivers who came out for the election. [I was so worried about the lack of organization and lack of logistics. Now I’m not].

    When I said holding the country requires Reducing or Defeating all of the above I’m being literal. Reducing is what the Russians did to Berlin, or we did recently to Mosul and Raqqa.

    The Dems and who’s Army will do that?

    Not our Army.
    Not our Police.

    Both I assure you take the Constitution seriously, despite what you may have heard or read.*

    *that our Top Level Generals are compromised, cowards, shirkers and their default orders are to ‘hide on base’ aka Fobbits aka stay on the FOB …is apparently news to some Americans, not to us.

    Of course their orders are to do nothing.
    Where the Hell have you people been the last 20 years?

    No, the top level won’t follow the President’s orders to defend the Republic, but no orders to overthrow Trump or any legitimate constitutional official will be carried out either. M_ley Vannilli didn’t execute a palace coup, just palace cowardice.

    Cowardice and evasion [and unexplained wealth] are the default for our Generals, yes including especially the long faithless Mad Dog [see Haditha 7]. Their problem being they’ll have no troops, and the veterans know them for what they are…

    And young, green troops follow the veterans.
    No officer of any rank lightly challenges a greybeard, nor will they dare abuse him in public. That’s just not how it works.

    And it does work, and work well.

    We can’t make Iraqis or Afghans white, oh excuse me ‘democracy’ but that’s not possible. Anything military or ..ah..SANE…is possible, the impossible was not.

    So it does work.

    Summary: the Republic is not dead, that would take reducing, defeating or swaying the tens of thousands of state and mini municipal republics ..or perchance…

    …perchance 200 million people lay down and die. But the lay down and die people never survive anyway, never mind survive free.
    Even tyrants need strong subjects.

    The Republic is a giant Federated system..it is not dead. One key node on the Potomac is compromised, that is all…

    Posted November 6, 2020 at 10:32 am | Permalink
  12. Whitewall says

    vxxc, excellent work sir! I am assuming gender of course. Let me guess, US Army-officer-about the rank of Colonel?

    Posted November 6, 2020 at 6:10 pm | Permalink
  13. vxxc says

    I went the NCO route Whitewall, your gender assumption is correct.

    Thank you and Godspeed all.

    This won’t be as bad or as good as people may think. Not to be coy, strife is like that.

    Posted November 6, 2020 at 7:33 pm | Permalink

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