Earthquake Weather

Rage is building in America as the audacious manipulation of this election, and the naked complicity of the media, become more and more self-evident (the major networks cut away from the President of the United States today as he was making remarks at the White House).

This cannot stand. The historic American nation has watched, in stony silence, the tantrums and vandalism of the spoiled and petulant Left all summer long. That mischief will be nothing — nothing at all — compared with the incandescent wrath of these scores of millions of patient and long-suffering patriots once they are roused, at last, to abandon their faith in the sacred rules, procedures, and limits that have sustained this great Republic in ordered liberty for centuries. They have been reviled, insulted, and sneered at long enough, and their patience is almost at an end. The air is charged with electricity; even the calmest and sanest among us can feel its terrible potential tingling and prickling their skin. If this election is indeed stolen in plain sight, a terrible storm will break upon the land. There is still a chance to avoid it, I think, but it is rapidly slipping away.


It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.


  1. hcm says

    Republics are always transitional states. Better now than in ten years.

    Posted November 5, 2020 at 10:53 pm | Permalink
  2. Malcolm says

    There never was a stable republic. The American Founders tried to design a system that would resist the great cycle – but, alas, the form must fit the matter, and a republic is only as strong as the civic virtue of its citizens.

    Posted November 5, 2020 at 11:08 pm | Permalink
  3. JK says

    You’ll recall my mentioning Mr. Bracken on that call those few days ago?

    Posted November 5, 2020 at 11:19 pm | Permalink
  4. JK says

    Thought to return to an “older post” [11/3] to see if another video of that Lawyer Barnes made an appearance. It’s still there.

    Scroll to the first video What Are The Odds

    Posted November 6, 2020 at 9:14 am | Permalink
  5. JK says

    Belay watching the immediately above video rather, watch the last one here:

    Posted November 6, 2020 at 11:43 am | Permalink
  6. vxxc says

    Well no polity survives apathy, including especially despotisms. The one good thing about despotisms is they can and are rapidly replaced…

    As the Dems may be about to discover.

    I posted it on Dum Spiro, Spero.
    The American Federalist system mirrored deliberately the Republic down to not just the state by county and local level.

    You have to take or defeat, or flip any polity you’d hold. Or reduce by destruction.

    It’s not possible – unless they all lay down and die.

    This is a challenge, not the End Times.
    Not the end of the Republic either.

    Posted November 6, 2020 at 1:16 pm | Permalink
  7. Malcolm says


    A serious complication is how geographically intermingled Blue and Red are, right down to the neighborhood level in many cities. A clean partition between opposing factions is going to be very hard to manage.

    Posted November 6, 2020 at 1:24 pm | Permalink
  8. Dan Kurt says

    @vxxc “I posted it on Dum Spiro, Spero.”

    Come on MAN, post a link. Seriously, I found three links with “Dum Spiro, Spero” in their names but none were approprate. Please post a link.


    Dan Kurt

    Posted November 6, 2020 at 4:20 pm | Permalink
  9. vxxc says


    Dum spiro, spero is the previous entry on this blog.
    This blog, motus mentis.

    Malcolm- I never mentioned partition but you are correct.
    It’s impossible.
    It was actually impossible in 1860.
    No competent government in North America would settle for less than ocean to ocean, and only competent governments win power struggles and wars.
    Our greatest possession is that geography.
    Only here and without major competitors on land could we have a Republic.
    Not to mention the greatest store of natural wealth of all kinds, the largest tracts of arable land on earth guarded by matchless geography. To the east and west oceans, to the north tundra largely uninhabitable, to the south desert and lands riven by deserts, mountains, jungles.
    Why do you think our enemies want it?
    Unencumbered by us.

    Nor does the character of the enemy allow this fantastical coexistence, nor soon will we.

    No. One side must quit or die.
    If we quit, we die. Passive enough much longer we’ll perish, people’s animal nature will not allow weakness long to live among them.

    And the Saxon is growing angry. At long last.
    His way of war and ours is well known.

    Sorry – no partition was ever possible, and certainly not now.

    Posted November 6, 2020 at 5:15 pm | Permalink
  10. vxxc says

    Kurt – here

    Posted November 6, 2020 at 5:17 pm | Permalink
  11. Jason says

    Perhaps one of the mountain states can in the decades ahead become a refuge that might secede constitutionally. A long term project that thoughtful conservatives could coalesce around and develop.

    Posted November 6, 2020 at 5:42 pm | Permalink
  12. vxxc says


    it’s not possible to have partition on the North American continent, with the possible exception of some sort of Botswana re South Africa type deal.

    Nor will Whites accept Botswana, and if we are that weak they’d kill us.

    No competent government in North America would settle for less than ocean to ocean, and only competent governments win power struggles and wars.
    Our greatest possession is that geography.
    Only here and without major competitors on land could we have a Republic.
    Not to mention the greatest store of natural wealth of all kinds, the largest tracts of arable land on earth guarded by matchless geography. To the east and west oceans, to the north tundra largely uninhabitable, to the south desert and lands riven by deserts, mountains, jungles.
    Why do you think our enemies want it?
    Unencumbered by us.

    Posted November 6, 2020 at 7:31 pm | Permalink
  13. Malcolm says


    No competent government in North America would settle for less than ocean to ocean, and only competent governments win power struggles and wars.

    Well, here we are: a nation now divided into two wholly and bitterly incompatible factions. We have got to the point, a late milestone along the path to civil war, where violence is normalized, and we Deplorables are routinely declared to be beyond the circle of moral inclusion (i.e., humanity).

    A war of total conquest, given the granular geographic interpenetration of the two sides, would make the war of the 1860s look like thumb-wrestling, and a tense and volatile peace would only be maintained by endless, brutal suppression. (Indeed, it seems sometimes that even our previous civil war still seethes and smolders, a century and a half later.)

    Some sort of mutually acceptable disaggregation would hardly be the worst of possible worlds; it has been a best-case solution to bitter ethnic and religious conflicts throughout history (the other common result is genocide).

    It isn’t clear quite what you have in mind.

    Posted November 7, 2020 at 12:42 am | Permalink

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