Hang In There

I haven’t written for a few days, because I have nothing new to say; like all of you I am waiting to see how this election challenge plays out. We are up against titanic forces, not least of which is just the colossal, viscous mass of institutional inertia, media resistance, and partisan antipathy that stands in the way of a fair and searching inquiry into what happened. But the stench of corruption is so foul, and the evidence of strategic planning and tactical malfeasance so multifaceted, that none of us should lose heart. This isn’t over yet.

I was listening to a couple of guys from Russia today, talking about how the Russian people see this charade. The vote-counting corruption is obvious enough, but that’s no big deal; most Russians generally assume that all elections are corrupt. What Russians watching today find laughable is that the U.S., which has been swaggering around the world for decades lecturing other countries about election integrity, should have ended up presenting to a global audience this tawdry spectacle: an election so obviously tainted and insecure that even the most brazen 20th-century caudillo would have been too embarrassed to try to pass it off as legitimate.

Whatever happens next — no matter who takes the White House once the dust settles, and I have no idea who that will be once as much of the truth comes out as we can manage to uncover — half the nation is now going to think the other half stole the election. (So: interesting times ahead for the Republic.) Both sides should take an interest in reducing that uncertainty as much as possible, if only to try to preserve the peace, but only one side seems to be doing so. The other just wants us all to move along — because, you know, nothing to see here.

Meanwhile, I’m still seething over the Democrats’ sudden calls for “unity”. How dare they. After what they’ve done these past four years, and the way things are going, the only reply they are going to get from scores of millions of Americans is the one Andrew Breitbart gave.


  1. vxxc says


    Posted November 16, 2020 at 9:18 pm | Permalink
  2. Al says

    The most amusing take comes from RNC Inc.: “We’ll beat ’em next time.”


    Posted November 17, 2020 at 8:02 am | Permalink
  3. EtherOr says

    The corruption truly is mind-boggling. Biden even bragged about his world class “election fraud” system but like so many other scandals regarding the Democrat would-be overlords, nobody is mentioning it. He likely let the cat out of the bag since he’s a dimwit but no problem; sweep it under the rug with Hunter Biden scandal. Even if the President does not succeed in overcoming the vast forces arrayed against him (and us), he has succeeded in broadcasting to the world the astonishing illegal plays that occurred in this election.

    Posted November 19, 2020 at 12:44 pm | Permalink
  4. Malcolm says


    I’ve seen that Biden clip lots of times, but it’s hard to believe that even he would make such a stupendous error. I’ve suspected that fuller context would show he was trying to say that he’d put together a team to combat voter fraud, but I haven’t gone looking for a longer version of the video.

    Posted November 19, 2020 at 3:44 pm | Permalink

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