On Ukraine, Being Lied To, And Lying To Ourselves

Some of the most interesting conversations in all of media for many years now have been the periodic discussions that John Batchelor has had on his radio program with thinkers such as law professor Richard Epstein, the late Russia scholar Stephen F. Cohen, and war historian Michael Vlahos. For a couple of years Batchelor and Vlahos devoted their weekly talks to the topic of the possibility of a new civil war in America, but more recently they have assumed the personae of Gaius and Germanicus, well-to-do Roman citizens living in 1st-century Britain, with the gift of foresight into the future — a way of examining the parallels between the arc of Roman history and that of the modern-day Global American Empire. Lately they’ve been releasing a weekly installment, as a podcast, every Monday, and the topic for the last year or so has been the war in Ukraine.

Despite what you may have heard from our government and media (to the extent that you pay any attention at all), Ukraine’s position is utterly hopeless — and every day that the West shovels more money and Ukrainian lives into the meat-grinder merely prolongs and intensifies that nation’s suffering, and fattens the purses of predatory interests (did you know, for example, that as much as 40% of the equipment we send to Ukraine is simply sold on the black market?). Meanwhile, the war has been a disaster, too, for America’s position in the world: aside from the colossal waste of taxpayer dollars, it has sharply destabilized the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, driven China and Russia into each other’s arms, made things extremely awkward for the GAE’s vassal states in Europe, and generally caused the rest of the world to realize that they might be better off just trying to get along without us.

Messrs. Batchelor and Vlahos discuss all this and more in the latest episode of their podcast (with, at the end, a brief return to the possibility of civil war). You can listen to it in three parts: here, here, and here.


  1. Locust Post says

    Good podcasts, I listened to this during my morning hike with Clover my trusty four-legged hiking partner. We hike four miles at the crack of dawn, rain or shine, every morning. I find being out alone in nature does wonders for mental health and gives a timeless, at peace perspective to constant blare of mind fuckery that seems to be marinating in every indoor space.

    No doubt, Ukraine is a disaster unfolding. Millions are going to die. Middleclass American wealth is being vacuumed and blown up with 10% (or more) going to the big guys. I used to debate whether this was caused by stupidity and incompetence but now I’ve settled on it being caused by evil people possessed by the devil.

    Everything is fake.

    The fakery is necessary to hide bigger lies. For example, the so-called $750 million Fox News settlement with the voting machine company is likely phony. Why would Fox News settle at this outrageous amount, which could have funded a legal defense team that could tie this up for decades and still have change left over? It is settled because the regime needed it to be settled to protect the rigged machines and bigger rigged election. There will be no legal discovery and the machines will not be forensically examined. No need for a judge to make biased, corrupt rulings. And the settlement headline implies Fox News made up a fake story about the machines being rigged. More support for “totally clean election” that Biden won with 81 million votes—more than anyone in history. I wonder what Fox is getting in trade for this?

    Posted April 22, 2023 at 1:00 pm | Permalink
  2. Whitewall says

    Edgy and amusing. We are closer to the French Revolution than anything else.

    Posted April 22, 2023 at 5:46 pm | Permalink

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