Category Archives: Politics

A Disease Of The Heart

Published at City Journal today: a scathing article by my friend Jim Meigs on our shameful response to COVID-19, and how those in power at the highest levels of our public and private institutions (looking at you, Drs. Fauci and Collins) worked to suppress dissent and debate, interfere with legitimate inquiry into the disease’s origins, […]

Just Wondering

I hear there was some sort of political debate last night. How did it go?

Missouri v. Biden

Yesterday U.S. District Court Judge Terry Doughty gave us a fine Independence Day gift: a preliminary injunction against the government’s censorship of social-media content. The case built upon the government’s coercion of Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms to suppress commentary on COVID, the 2020 election, the Hunter Biden laptop, and other matters we should have […]


Here’s an interesting item about New York State’s election system. (I’m sure you will be as shocked as I was.)

More On Acceleration

This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Accelerationism

Over at Bill Vallicella’s place, commenter “mharko” (who also has things to say over here from time to time), left such a fine comment on Bill’s accelerationism post that I am going to repost it here: I had a thought mulling these things over while pulling weeds and cultivating soil that I wanted to risk […]

Should The Culture War Take A Back Seat?

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Accelerationism

On April 27th, Josiah Lippincott published an essay at American Greatness arguing that we’ve lost the culture war, and that the way forward is for the Right to focus squarely on the issues that got Donald Trump elected in 2016. Lippincott’s article, which you can read here, stakes out the argument as follows: Immigration, trade, […]


This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series Accelerationism

My old friend Bill Vallicella, the Maverick Philosopher, has put up an item about my “accelerationism” post, and some discussion has ensued in the comment-thread. You can read it here.

Should We All Now Be Accelerationists?

This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Accelerationism

In case you haven’t noticed, America, and the West more generally, are falling to pieces. How so? Here’s a brief, but far from exhaustive, list: — Public confidence in the government and media are at all-time lows; — The printing of money in order to support government spending at an astronomical rate has triggered dangerous […]

Jumping The Shark

Everyone’s waiting breathlessly for the indictment and arrest of Donald Trump. It’s a fantastically bad idea: if it happens, it will die in the court system; the rickety legal theory behind the indictment is one that the DOJ has already rejected, and even if a tendentious jury convicts him in New York City, the thing […]

Power Failure

Reuters reports that California will be having problems with its energy supply this summer: California says it needs more power to keep the lights on May 6 (Reuters) – California energy officials on Friday issued a sober forecast for the state’s electrical grid, saying it lacks sufficient capacity to keep the lights on this summer […]

Live By The Court, Die By The Court

Well, this SCOTUS leak about Roe v. Wade has really livened things up. I think we might even have a new Current Thing on our hands, and will now be moving on from Ukraine, which of course became the Current Thing right after … well, I can’t quite recall … but it was very important. […]

The Department Of Reality

Here’s one of the best essays Moldbug has published in a long time: The Cathedral or the Bizarre. In it he revisits the foundations of what, way back in Chapter 4 of his Open Letter to Open-Minded Progressives (2008), he first called “the Cathedral”: the curiously coordinated institutions of journalism and academia that seem to […]

The Confusion Of Tongues

I’ve referred on several occasions to the old Chinese story about “calling a deer a horse”, which describes the scheming courtier Zhao Gao’s stratagem (this was way back in the third century BC) for testing the loyalty of potential political allies by seeing what lies they would assent to. I first read about this over […]

Food For Thought

Writing at City Journal, my friend Jim Meigs (who is also, by the way, a hell of a good musician) discusses the folly of U.S. biofuel policy. In brief: it’s a disaster already, and it’s about to make things much, much worse. Here.

Jim Kalb On Our Mass Craziness

James Kalb stopped by to comment on yesterday’s post, and his remarks deserve a post of their own in reply. (I’ve known Jim for quite a few years now, and for those of you who don’t recognize his name, he is a lawyer and scholar who has written extensively on politics, religion, and culture, and […]

Everything Is Fine!

Here is a caustically sarcastic item by Michael Anton that I encourage you all to read and share.

On “Mass Formation” In The Here And Now

Recently I published an essay at American Greatness about the idea of “mass-formation psychosis”, a concept that has gone “viral” after being discussed by Dr. Robert Malone in a widely viewed interview with Joe Rogan. (The interview was, within days, widely censored on media platforms — which is, we should note, relevant in itself.) The […]

Point Deer, Make Horse

The astonishingly prolific Victor Davis Hanson observes Insurrection Day with a fine essay on just who constitutes the actual threat to the American Way. Read it here. If you are wondering, by the way, what the title of this post refers to, you can read the story of Zhao Gao over at Spandrell’s place, here. […]

There’s A Special Feeling In The Air Tonight

Well, tomorrow is January 6th, the anniversary of the greatest assault on civilization since the sack of Rome — and all of the good people in our news media, and all of our friendly Democratic politicians, are breathless with excitement thinking of the gifts this special day will bring. From Washington to Atlanta to New […]

Meet The New Boss

New York has a new governor, Kathy Hochul. Obviously, she’s a Democrat, but what kind? Old-school centrist? Moonbat radical? If you aren’t sure yet, read this brief item by Betsey McCaughey.

On The Bright Side

It’s important to keep in mind just who, or what, was just defeated in Afghanistan. It wasn’t the traditional American nation (and military), but rather those who have stunned it into helplessness and have been wearing its senseless body as a skin-suit. If there is any silver lining to all of this, it is the […]

What Next?

My previous post was, I have to admit, pretty gloomy even for me. It’s been difficult to watch events unfold over the last year or so without getting the feeling that the USA as it has existed for the past two-and-a-half centuries has reached a point of fatal exhaustion. (Looking at the familiar cycle that […]

H.R. 1319

Off to the White House it goes. It will be signed into law by Friday, if Mr. Biden can still lift a pen. (The full text of the thing is here, if you have a strong stomach, low blood pressure, and a month or two to read it.) “When the people find that they can […]

The Enemy Within

This post was just reprinted at American Greatness, so I’ve taken it down from here for a little while. Please read it over at their website.

National Archive

A while back the New York Times mounted a direct assault on American patriotism called “The 1619 Project”, which sought to promote the idea that the founding of the American nation was nothing more than an act of organized evil, with its only basis and purpose the subjugation of other races by white, male, Europeans. […]


Here we are. It’s been a long twelve months: from sailing along at the beginning of 2020 with a booming economy and gathering momentum for a second Trump administration, and for holding terminal decline at bay for a precious few more years, to COVID, St. George Floyd, a long hot summer of government-sanctioned rioting for […]

Nothing Is Real

The fog of war is abroad in the land, and in every direction sturdy, familiar realities dissolve into grotesque phantasms and chimeras. Trumpets and bullhorns blare in the smoke and chaos. The ground trembles and shifts under our feet. One thing seems clear, I think: this Republic, as we have known it in our lifetimes […]

2021, Day Six

As I have been saying for a long time now: “Gradually, then suddenly”.

Round Two

OK, so the polls are open in Georgia today. At stake in the two runoff elections is control of the United States Senate. Is everyone feeling as optimistic as I am?


Well, here we are. Happy New Year. I thank all of you who’ve visited in recent weeks; there hasn’t been a whole lot to see here for some time now. My shoulder injury kept me off the keyboard for a while, but that’s not a problem any longer. Mainly it’s been that we have entered […]

Go Local

Writing at American Greatness, Christopher Roach argues that the Left, after patiently mounting a well-organized assault on all institutions, and after a century of expansion of the managerial state, now has power that is “largely immune from elections.” (After what we’ve just seen in 2020, can anyone doubt this?) He advises us that henceforward “Any […]

It’s A Feature

From a just-released forensic report on the widely used Dominion voting system, as tested in Antrim County, Michigan (a red county where vote-tabulation errors were already known to have happened): We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system […]


Aaaand… SCOTUS strikes again, refusing to take the Constitutional election-irregularity case brought by Texas and joined by many other states. Newcomers Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett all teamed up with Sotomayor, Kagan, and Roberts to stonewall the complaint. As Thomas and Alito pointed out in their dissent, this was an abrogation of their responsibility as original […]

Reasonable Doubt

A commenter on our previous post asks how any intelligent person could actually be suspicious about the result of the recent election. He also mentions, in support of his confidence that the results are legitimate, that Joe Biden won the popular vote by millions of votes. Here’s my reply: First of all, the point about […]

Let’s Get Kraken

I’ll follow on my previous post by saying that, regardless of how persuasive the statistical, anecdotal, testimonial, technological, and other indicators of election fraud may be, none of it matters unless those litigating the claims produce a coherent and consistent case, with hard evidence sufficient to convince the courts and state legislatures to alter the […]

Hang In There

I haven’t written for a few days, because I have nothing new to say; like all of you I am waiting to see how this election challenge plays out. We are up against titanic forces, not least of which is just the colossal, viscous mass of institutional inertia, media resistance, and partisan antipathy that stands […]

On Serpent-Tongued Calls For “Unity”

David Harsanyi has posted a tart reply. An excerpt: When Democrats win the presidency, we are treated to solemn calls for national restoration and political harmony, and to the expectation that, for the good of the nation, the opposition will embrace decorum and pass legislation they oppose. When Republicans win elections, grown women put on […]

Fair And Balanced, Cont’d

Here’s another perspective on things: Curtis Yarvin, AKA “Mencius Moldbug”, has published an essay today about the 2020 election. In it he describes himself as being “so pro-Trump, I wrap all the way around to pro-Biden.” Yarvin makes an important point about the difference between traditional American conservatism and all forms of Leftism: subsidiarian, small-government […]

Fair And Balanced

My last couple of posts have been, to put it mildly, a tad heated. It has been a bitter year in our cold civil war, and the counting of the votes in our recent election has been unlike anything we’ve ever seen before — in large part due to newly (and in many cases it […]

Dum Spiro, Spero

And here we are: a closely contested election, which will now drag on for days or weeks and likely be resolved in the courts. (There appears to have been no shortage of electoral shenanigans and monkeyshines, exactly as we feared.) This certainly isn’t what we’d hoped for: if President Trump prevails by superior lawyering, the […]

The Locust Years

I am chastened by the discussion in the previous posts. (See here and here.) All I had sought to do in my original remarks was to point out the natural advantages of cohesion, compact unity, patriotism, faith, competence, and positive worldview that Red America has over Blue, and to suggest that whatever happens next, we […]

Red America, Cont’d

A lively discussion has ensued in the comment-thread to our previous post. Commenter “vxxc” argues that my assessment of the natural assets of the Red coalition is too optimistic: that our lack, so far, of functional organization puts us at a lethal disadvantage in the gathering struggle. I, on the other hand, think this is […]

Red America: A More Perfect Union

The political situation is like nothing I have ever seen in my longish lifetime; as I wrote a little while ago, we are no longer a single community disagreeing about the difficulties of the world we share, but rather two bitterly antagonistic camps inhabiting utterly different realities of belief and perception, with nothing objective in […]

The Camel’s Nose

It is notable that the Biden campaign hasn’t denied the veracity of the material taken from Hunter Biden’s laptop, even though it appears to be damning indeed. To the cynical observer this suggests what we’ve suspected all along: that the senescent and ineradicably tainted Biden is simply a Trojan horse intended to get the most […]

The American Multiverse

What an extraordinary time in American history this is. We are bifurcated, not into opposing political camps as in normal times, but into opposing realities. The developing story of Biden-family corruption is, in one of these dimensions of reality, evidence of disgraceful, comprehensive political and moral malfeasance that should utterly, and obviously, disqualify the Democratic […]

The Inverted Monarchy

My latest, about the modern-day sanctification of democracy as an end in itself, is up at American Greatness. Have a look.

Buckle Up

The election is two months away. I don’t get the sense, from most people, that they have any inkling of what a catastrophe it’s going to be. But if you think it’s been a crazy year so far, the period after Election Day is going to make the first ten months of 2020 look like […]

The Singularity Is Near

I’ve a new essay up at American Greatness on the prospect of civil war. Have a look here.

What We’ve Lost

I had a post ready to go here yesterday, but I sent it off to American Greatness and they picked it up, so I’ll ask you to read it there. Note: a disclaimer about the reality of the pandemic didn’t make the final cut. I’ll I’ll post the unedited, and possibly slightly revised, version here […]

The Fellowship Of The Ring

It surprises me that anyone on the Right (or for that matter, anyone of middle years or older who grew up in the former United States, and feels that he or she has had a pretty good life) would have any hesitation at all about supporting Donald Trump — not only in the upcoming election, […]